This page is put aside
each issue for the exclusive use of Birmingham User Group
This is the time of year to wish all members the compliments of the season but as we are a Computer Users Group, why write it down? Just type in the following program.
The program has been written by the Club Secretary, Mike Aston, for you, the members, but we desperately need two-way communication. So, when you have a spare moment
over the Christmas holidays, we would like you to send the Club a
message for the New Year in the form of a program. You can use the above program as a base or write one of your own. When you have done it, send a tape to Mike Aston at 42, Short Street, Wednesbury, W. Mids. As an added incentive, there will be a worthwhile prize awarded to the best program. Help kick off the New Year in the right way. Write a program.
Every member had a questionnaire from Steve Gould with the last magazine. If you have still got it please fill it in, even if you are not interested in the games meetings proposed. Your answers will shape the future of the Club. Don't wait till next year, post the form to Steve NOW.
Quite a few changes are being proposed for next year but as this is being written before the AGM and before the new Committee has been elected it is not possible to give details of next year. If you are not absolutely sure when the meetings are, please phone one of the existing Committee members to save a wasted journey. The phone numbers are in Issue 3.
The following committee was elected at the AGM on 24th November 1983
John While
Vice Chairman: Mike Reynolds-Jones
Secretary: Mike Aston
Treasurer: Angus Irons
Committee: Julian Bailey
Keith Mason
Steve Gould
Lawrence Miller
Wilf Coton
Colin Boswell
Meetings will be held monthly in future with Special Interest Groups holding meetings between the main monthly meetings. Contact a committee member for details.