This page is put aside each issue for use of the
Birmingham User Group
By the time you read this edition of PAGE 6, the Midland Computer Fair will have been and gone with BUG having organised a successful, well attended, stand ably managed by Colin Boswell and provided courtesy of the ACC (Association of
Computer Clubs). Unfortunately, the ACC display proved to be the best part of the show, the remainder being very disappointing with a poor attendance by the major companies and very little in the way of new products on display, especially concerning Atari.
I don't know about any of our readers who visited the show but the only saving grace from my viewpoint is that
I attended on a free ticket provided by the trade. If I had paid to attend, it would have annoyed me and must cast doubts as to the future viability of this show.
Meanwhile, in contrast, BUG seems to be going from strength to strength with the April 5th meeting very well attended. For those not present, the first part of the meeting dealt with the suspension of a member for misconduct and the subsequent appeal from this member to the club. The final result from the attending membership was that the matter should be regarded as closed with the final admonishment of a written warning due to mitigating circumstances. It is at this point that it must be emphasised yet again that BUG, both constitutionally and as a matter of course, maintains a firm stand against anything
concerning software piracy and will continue to protect the club and its membership from anything directly or indirectly involving such acts on club premises.
After the appeal, we then commenced the real purpose of the meeting, dealing with Art and Computer Graphics thanks to the efforts of Geoff in providing a series of demonstrations of Atari Graphics. He showed how some excellent results can be obtained with relatively simple programming as well as demonstrating the use of purpose built utilities such as MOVIE MAKER. It is to be hoped that we may see further efforts from other members inspired by this talk and demonstration.
Apart from this, the Club's other evenings are progressing well with good attendances at both the Games Night (3rd Thursday of the month) and the Programmers Night (4th Thursday of the month) with some activity commencing with the BUG Bulletin
Board. The only slack may be from our junior membership, so please let your representative hear from you (Martyn Purchase 021-378 2063).
Finally, let's have some more response from our members with material for this page ... well, not MORE response ... ANY response, as you seem to have ignored our Chairman's last appeal. Remember WE want ideas, comments
etc. from YOU.