Over the summer the micro-world hibernates. You stop buying software and software producers have so few new products. Spectrum programmers jet off to the Bahamas whilst Atari programmers have to take holiday jobs to survive another year. All of which means that news and new products are thin on the ground.
Hottest news of a hot July is of course the takeover of Atari but it is all happening too close
to copy date to report anything specific. Expect big price reductions on hardware and software and the 800XL as the only machine to survive into the autumn.
English Software has STRANDED out, a 35 screen graphic adventure in 32K.
ATTACK OF THE MUTANT CAMELS from Llamasoft brings (hopefully) a new range of top class arcade games at amazing prices (see review).
In the States (info courtesy of The Pokey Press), MUSE SOFTWARE should be releasing
ll: THREEDEEP and MONTEZUMA'S REVENGE, an action adventure featuring 'Panama Joe' and a 100 room maze to
investigate. Also STAR WARS: THE ARCADE GAME and GYRUSS.
A couple of items received for review recently deserve mention. Firstly a
RUBBER KEYBOARD from FILESIXTY which looks to be a very handy of equipment for 400 owners. Secondly
AUTOTECT from Magical Electronic Services which is a write- protect/enable switch to attach to the 810 requiring no soldering. Looks excellent.
Both of these arrived too late for reviews in this but full reports will follow.
Rumours from England .... a disk drive at under £200 made over here to an American design .... a
reliable independent recorder at under £30 .... a cassette interface allowing a normal stereo
recorder to be used .... an interface for a modem ... and, finally, an advertising campaign from
Atari (please!)
Since the magazine increased in size a couple of issues ago the postage costs have increased
considerably. We have tried to absorb these costs but with U.K. postage due to increase in September we are forced to increase the subscription price.
If you work it out we still don't pass on the full cost of post and packing and we hope that we continue to receive you subscription support. You still get six issues of PAGE 6 for less (in most cases) than one piece of software.