Welcome to another issue of
PAGE 6 which hopefully will reach you before Christmas. As usual this
issue has a slant towards games to keep you merry and occupied around
Christmas and the New Year. Music is also associated with Christmas and
you will find a music theme in this issue with comments on Pokey Player
and Advanced Music System II as well as Carols for you to type in. If
you prefer to make your own music then Music Maker will let you use your
keyboard as a piano or organ.
Unfortunately those of you
with only 16k memory will not be able to play Flight of the Swan, our
other competition winner or Camelot but I have included other listings
which will run in 16k. Although it is easy for me to say, as I don't
have to pay for it(!), I would strongly recommend anyone with 16k to
upgrade their machine to 48k for it really does open up a whole new
world. Quite apart from the many more commercial programs that will
become available to you, programs from PAGE 6 such as RESCUE MISSION and
CAMELOT, which cost you nothing, will make it well worth while. Whilst
it is possible to write good programs in 16k, many of the programs which
have been submitted to us do require at least 32k as the programmers
have used so many of the facilities of the Atari that something would
have to be sacrificed to fit into 16k. If you did not get an upgrade for
Christmas try and persuade someone to buy you one, or save up yourself.
You won't regret it.
At last things seem to have
started moving from Atari and you should be well aware of Atari
advertising by. the time you read this. We all wish Atari every success
over Christmas and for 1985 and, if the optimism of the people at Atari
is anything to go by, Atari will be back at the top quite soon.
Finally, as we reach the end
of another year, I would like to thank everyone who has sent in
programs, articles or bits and pieces for publication. Every
contribution, whether published or not, is much appreciated. We are
still a small circulation magazine and rely entirely on your enthusiasm
and love of your Atari in providing other owners with a good reason to
stick with and enjoy their Atari computers. If you have not been able to
make any contribution yourself, you have an opportunity now to show your
appreciation of the efforts of others by voting in the annual Readers
Poll. Please turn to the centre pages for further information.
May I wish all of you the
very best for 1985. Stick with Atari and keep reading PAGE 6!