Atari Art



Issue 14

Mar/Apr 85

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Harvey Kong Tin was a regular contributor to PAGE 6 before he moved back to New Zealand. He has since sent in many fine examples of Atari graphics using all different utilities. This picture entitled CALLY was drawn with Atari Artist and the Touch Tablet.

Another picture from Harvey Kong Tin this time using Prices Color Picture Painter from Antic magazine. Harvey considers himself more of a graphic designer than a programmer and has sent in two complete playfields for a scrolling arcade game in Antic mode 4. He would like to enter into a partnership with a good programmer. If you are interested write to Harvey c/o PAGE 6.

Highland by David Encill of Birmingham started off as a doodle on the Atari Touch Tablet before growing into the picture here. David has also had great success in using the overlay on the Touch Tablet to produce pictures from photographs.
