Exploring Adventures on the Atari 48k



Issue 15

May/Jun 85

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by Peter Gerrard 

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An excellent book aimed at those interested in Adventures or who might like to try writing one. The book is part of a series of Exploring Adventures on ... but, apart from one or two unimportant details, has been well adapted for the Atari.

Beginning with a chapter on how Adventures came into being and where they may go in the future it goes on to give hints on how to solve commercial Adventure games before detailing how to write your own adventures in Basic. Showing you how to create your own adventures is the major aim of the book and it does this well by giving not only a step by step guide to programming but also suggestions for adventure themes and an insight into the thinking that goes on behind the programming. By using a full-blown listing of Underground Adventure, each section takes you through one part of the program including all of the major verb handling routines. All of the BASIC commands that you are likely to need for a text adventure are included and, unlike many other books, those commands which are specific to Atari Basic are included. As far as I could tell there were no obvious errors to set you off on a wild goose chase trying to use commands that the Atari does not understand. Underground Adventure is completed in full tutorial style but there are two other listings to type in which will give you further insight and ideas for creating your own programs.

One of the most interesting and unusual chapters is a series of suggested scenarios for your own adventures. Once you can program, the hardest thing about writing an Adventure is thinking of a idea that is logical and coherent Each scenario takes a basic theme and discusses possible hazards, additional adventures within the theme and development of the story before suggesting a conclusion. The themes range from the Streets of London to Outer Space and the Wild West.

You might think that writing your own adventure is a daunting task but with each stage of the procedure explained and with ideas provided, it really is not as difficult as you might imagine to create your own 'masterpiece'.

In conclusion an excellent book for anyone interested in writing an adventure and good value at £6.95 for over 240 pages.
