compatible with any printer
This program started because I could not find a
local supplier of one across labels but it has since grown into a
comprehensive label program offering full editing, saving and loading
facilities, the ability to modify parameters and a full Help screen.
It should be compatible with any printer although, as written, the
advanced facilities of enlarged, underlined or `thick' text apply only
to the Epson printers.
Labels can be defined to any size within reasonable
limits and can be printed one, two or three across with as many as 100
down although this could be increased if desired. Inter label gaps and
label sizes are all catered for and inline editing with insert/delete
character or line are included. Error messages are given and error
trapping is included.
The program is not intended to be a mailing list
handler but the ability to save and load labels to cassette or disk is
provided. The filename C: should be used for cassette and the default
for disk is D: unless a drive number is specified.
All functions are covered on the Help screen but I
suggest that on first use you fill the label screen with characters
and print two labels to see how the format matches your own labels.
Make sure that you adjust the parameter for number of labels across
first. Label size and inter label gaps can then be adjusted to suit.
When you are satisfied that you have the optimum label specification,
save it as BLANK.LBL. This can then be used as a template each time
you wish to define or print a label.
The special facilities of the Epson are contained in
control and Escape characters between lines 2200 and 2300 and these
can be changed to suit your own printer.