English Software
48k cassette £6.95
1 player
HIJACK is yet another new title
from English Software. It is a helicopter rescue game along the
same lines as CHOPLIFTER only, in this game, you must rescue VIP
passengers from the roof of a high speed train and deposit them
to safety in the rear security carriage.
A nifty little jingle accompanies
the opening title screen, clever compositions like this being a
traditional feature of many English Software games. A quick press
of the START key and it' s on with the action. The train is speeding
across the bottom of the screen from right to left and you must
swoop down in your chopper and pick up the VIP s who are running
about on the roof of the train, waving frantically at you. Press
the fire button to lower the rope and, once the figure has taken
a firm hold, transport him back to the safety of the rear carriage.
Simple, eh? Well, not quite. I forgot to tell you about the cannons
firing at you from the hills and the huge trees that line the sides
of the track and which you almost always fly into, or at least I
do! Once all the 10 VIPs have been rescued you move onto the next
level of play where gunfire from openings on the roof of the train
is a further hazard.
I like this game. It has clear,
colourful graphics, good sounds and some excellent special effects.
The way your helicopter bursts into a flaming fireball when it collides
with a tree or is hit by a missile is incredibly realistic. Worth
£6.95 of anybody's money.