News Extra


Issue 20

Mar/Apr 86

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In early March the Novotel Hotel in London will be the stage for the first ATARI COMPUTER SHOW, an event long overdue and eagerly awaited by all Atari owners. The show runs from 7th to 9th March and is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. except for the Sunday when it closes at 5 p.m.

The show has the 'official' backing of Atari who will ensure that software developers will be there in force. Atari themselves will have a large stand showing the entire product range and are expected to provide the first U.K. showing of the 1040ST. There are several other new products in the pipeline but at the time of writing, Rob Harding, U.K.'s Products Manager was unable to confirm which of these will be shown. Atari do however consider this to be an important show and Jack Tramiel himself will be attending.

The major difference between the ATARI SHOW and PCW is that this time there will be plenty to actually buy. As well as companies showing their own products, there will be several retailers selling everything from software to blank disks and accessories. This will be an ideal opportunity to see, and buy, some of the software you may have read about.

One of the major attractions will be the launch of the new software company S.E.C.S. showing several new products for the 8-bit machines and their associate company Software Express from whom many items of software, imported and home produced, will be available for purchase. Other retailers at the show include Baz Computers, Datascape, Software Plus and, of course, Silica Shop who will have a large stand.

Blank disks, tapes and accessories will be available at bargain prices from Compumart, who are also noted for their keen hardware prices, as well as Zone Four and Direct Disk Supplies.

Hardware and interfacing will be well represented with 2-bit systems launching their new Sound Sampler and Intergalactic Robots showing various computer controlled devices.

Among companies showing new software for the Atari will be C.D.S. who will introduce Steve Davis Snooker along with a range of budget titles under the Blue Ribbon label. These will retail at just £2.50 each or five titles on one disk for £9.95. They are titles already well established on the BBC. For the ST, Computer Concepts will introduce the first ROM based software, FAST ST BASIC which is based on BBC BASIC. Computer Concepts are well known for a range of ROM based software for the BBC.

Many other exhibitors will include companies showing printers, books, bargain software, tools and accessories and more. And, of course, you are most welcome to come along to the PAGE 6 stand!

The first ATARI COMPUTER SHOW looks like an event not to be missed. Organisers Database Publications report having already sold 'thousands' of advance tickets for this long overdue show. Let's hope that it will be the first of many.
