CIO Slideshow

by Ian Finlayson


Issue 20

Mar/Apr 86

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We all know the quality of Atari computers when it comes to graphics displays but many of the high resolution geometric or graph drawing programs take quite a time to create a screen, and artistic masterpieces are often unrepeatable. It would be useful to store a completed screen for later recall by saving the screen data directly so that the original program is not needed to display the picture again. The recall must be fast if it is to be effective. A high resolution screen (graphics 8) takes 8138 bytes of memory so there is a lot of data to move - for this sort of task Basic is far too slow.


I am not a machine code programmer and so was delighted to find that the Atari operating system includes machine routines for the fast transfer of data. These reside in a utility called Central Input/Output (CIO) which is used for all data transfer processes such as program load/save or output to screen or printer. The use of this general purpose device for data transfer routines was well described in Analog Computing No.13 (Sept/Oct 1983), by Richard Groszkiewicz and his article gave clear advice on how to use the CIO from basic. I will restrict this article to the specific use of CIO for screen data dumps to disk and for the SLIDESHOW program which will display a sequence of saved pictures.


Before using CIO utilities some preparation must be made. This consists of setting various parameters in the Input/Output Control Blocks (IOCBs). There are 8 IOCBs of which IOCB #0 is normally used for the screen editor (E:), IOCB #6 is normally used for graphics screen display (S:) and IOCB #7 is normally used for LPRINT, LOAD and SAVE routines. We will use IOCB #1 for our screen data transfers. Each IOCB occupies 16 bytes with IOCB #0 starting at memory location 832, IOCB #1 at 848 and so on. The IOCB can be set up from basic by POKEs to the required memory locations. For our purposes the important memory locations are:

IOCB+2 Must contain 7 for Get or 11 for Put routines
IOCB+4 Low byte of the starting address in memory from/to which you will transfer data
IOCB+5 High byte of address location
IOCB+8 Low byte of the number of bytes of data you wish to transfer
IOCB+9 High byte of the number of bytes to be transferred.

This will become clearer as we go through the first program.


The first listing, CIODUMP, is a short program which may be appended to a graphics program to dump the resulting screen data to disk. This data will be in the correct format to be used by the SLIDESHOW program later. A brief description follows:

The first set of REMs are inserted to give a reminder that this program will not work alone. It has to be appended to a program which generates the picture to be saved. The graphics program must dimension a string F$ and give a name for the file to which the picture data will be stored such as D:MYPIC.PIC. The .PIC extender is recognised by the SLIDESHOW program. Choose a file name that is not in use already or the new data will overwrite the old.

Line 5000 selects IOCB #1 and opens it to Put data.

Line 5020 saves the graphics mode of the current screen to disk file F$

Line 5040 saves the colour register values.

Lines 5050 to 5070 work out the start of screen memory (DLIST) and the number of bytes to transfer (NUMBER)

Lines 5090 to 5160 find the starting address of the IOCB. Poke 11 into IOCB+2 (for a Put operation) then split DLIST and NUMBER into high and low bytes and poke the resulting values into the correct IOCB registers.

Line 5170 calls the CIO routine - the short string "h-h-h- inverse *-L-V-inverse d" is a machine code routine which calls CIO.


The second program SLIDESHOW is a program which will display all the picture files on a disk. All that is needed is to ensure that the files have a .PIC extender.

Lines 30 to 60 retrieve all file names with a .PIC extender from the disk and load them into a string B$.

Line 70 branches to 230 if no picture files are found.

Lines 80 to 110 get a file name (A$) from B$ and ensure it is in the right format for use with the OPEN command in Line 20 (i.e. D:FILE.PIC)

Lines 120 to 210 are very similar to the CIODUMP routine - note the POKE IOCB+2,7 in line 160 for a Get routine.

Line 130 is there to ensure that there is no text window in the display and to allow each picture to overwrite the previous one. If you prefer to switch one picture off before loading the next delete line 132. This is usually better when a disk with several pictures in different graphics modes is being displayed - some odd effects are generated when the graphics mode is changed while the picture data is retained.

Line 220 displays the picture for a short time before returning to 90 for another file. The POKE 77,0 is to stop the display going into attract mode if the program is left to repeat for a long time.


These programs will handle all graphic modes and even mixed mode screens as the display list is saved as well as the screen data - but you will soon realise that the various modes take up very different amounts of space. The adage that one picture is worth a thousand words is borne out by the relative amounts of data required to store them! The space taken up on a disk by each mode is shown in the table:

Graphic Mode
Disk Sectors
8 and over

High resolution screens soon fill up a disk but you can give impact to your slideshow by interleaving pages of Graphics 1 or Graphics 2 text. They load very fast and can be used to commentate on the pictures.


There are some obvious enhancements which can be made to these programs which would improve them - for instance how about using a memory saving algorithm to compact the screen memory before saving it, or adding a screen dump so that hard copy of the pictures can be made at any time? I would be pleased to hear from anyone who works out improvements to the programs.

I will send a copy of the programs with a set of demonstration graphics to anyone who sends me a disk and return postage, (and your address clearly written!) and would also like to build up a library of graphics on disk if any of you with stunning displays would send me a copy - I will send your disk back!!

My address is:
Ian Finlayson,
60 Roundstone Crescent,
