Make Your Degas Slide
Shows Even Better

A machine code program
created from Basic by Paul Lay
Degas Fading
Slideshow provides a continuous slideshow of all Degas format
pictures on a disk fading each into view in a similar manner to
several such programs available for the Atari 8-bit systems.
The program will automatically select only those
pictures that correspond with the resolution in which the program is
run provided that the standard DEGAS extenders are used. If there
are no files on the disk that match the screen resolution the
program will return to the desktop otherwise it will display all
pictures in a continuous loop.
The main listing can be typed in using ST BASIC and
will generate the appropriate object code which can be run in the
normal wav. For those who wish to delve more deeply the Assembler
source code is also given. This is quite useful as it shows that
quite complex operations, such as file processing, are made easy by
the GEMDOS, BIOS and XBIOS routines.

Note: FADER will only run with 512k machines. Owners of 1 Meg
machines should first run MAK512.TOS or a similar program available
in the public domain from your local user group or from PAGE 6.