Bug Byte
£2.99 cassette only
1 player
1 joystick
Bug Byte have resurrected another 'Golden Oldie' from Starcade which
dates from 1983 when it was a product of Ringblack Software. You
control a hot-air balloon travelling sedately across a scrolling
countryside. Your journey is a precarious one and lightning, wayward
kites, downdrafts from windmills and updrafts from factory chimneys
will keep you on your toes. A crash course in elementary ballooning
is recommended!
And then you have to contend with delinquent Leeds Utd. fans (are
there any other kind?) throwing stones at you, crazy aeroplane
pilots who obviously trained with the 'Gary Numan School of Safe
Flying', and also mischievous birds who seem to be no they can't be
doing that, can they? They wouldn't dare!
Extra fuel is gained by landing at strategic stopping places along
your route and, if you survive long enough to reach your starting
point again, the game advances to the next level of play. There are
several such levels of increasing difficulty.
The only thing which ruined the original version was the theme music
- a slow, painful rendition of 'Would you like to fly in my
beautiful balloon?'- but it's missing from this re-release. I guess
Starcade didn't like it either!
A delightful program with charming cartoon style
graphics and it is also one of the few non-violent games around -
not a zap in sight. Go on, spoil yourself. It's worth three quid