Time Screen

by Chris Fox


Issue 27

May/Jun 87


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XL/XE Only

Would you like a more attractive screen to type in all those programs? How about a time check as well? TimeScreen will give you just that and is fully reset proof. One other bonus is that the keyboard is speeded up to make typing easier.

The new screen on TimeScreen gives you black text on a white background with a blue border. At the top of the screen a 12 hour digital clock is displayed showing hours, minutes and seconds, either as time elapsed since starting a session or as the correct time of day. Typing in the program is simple using Typo 3 but, unfortunately, as both TimeScreen and Typo use page 6 of memory it will not be possible to run both together for future listings. You can, however, use Typo to check a program that has already been entered if you follow the procedure below.

When you run the program the word 'Time...' will appear at the top of the screen. The current time can be entered by typing six digits representing the time in a 12 hour digital format. For example, enter 063000 for half past six. Press the RETURN key and the clock will start. You may reset the clock to zero at any time by pressing CONTROL-4 and restart it by pressing any key.

TimeScreen should only be used for typing or working with DOS as the routines used may clash with other programs. System Reset is vectored through CASINI to a machine code routine located at page 6 ($600). The code uses a stage 1 VBI to update the clock and check the display list. If location 560 (display list pointer low byte) is altered, the VBI resets the screen making graphics calls impossible. It also ensures that the display stays put when you use DOS. Before running a program the VBI should be switched off which can be achieved by pressing SHIFT-CONTROL-5. This will perform a proper Graphics 0 call. System reset will reset TimeScreen.

Just a couple more points. If you wish to use page 6 for any reason, type POKE 9,1 if you are using a disk drive or POKE 9,0 if not, then press System Reset. TimeScreen will no longer be usable. When using DUP.SYS, return from the menu by using Option B (Run Cartridge) and then press System Reset. This will restart the VBI.

I hope you enjoy the new screen and maybe now you will notice the time in those long programming sessions!

AtariLister - requires Java
