A powerful and flexible database for your 8-bit Atari
Michael Jackson provides what many serious
Atari owners have longed for
MJDBASE is a fully featured database for your 8
bit Atari. You can use it for keeping details of your record
collection, books, addresses, reference articles or for Club records
and sports records. In fact, anything you need to keep a record of
can be included because you can configure MJDBASE to suit yourself.
MJDBASE is a complex piece of software and the
Listings are, naturally, quite long but if you use TYPO 3 as you go,
you shouldn't have any problems. There are three listings in all
which should be typed and SAVEd in order. You must use the filenames
"D:INTRO" for Listing 1, "D:MJDBASE2.MGR" for Listing 2 and
"D:MJDBASE2,UTL" for Listing 3. To run the program you type RUN "D:INTRO"
which will then run the other modules. You can, if you wish, add an
autorun for the INTRO program.
MJDBASE is divided into two modules. The main
'Manager' module allows you to add, delete, search, sort, update,
mark, extract or list records whilst the Utilities module is for
setting up, re-organising and generally making amendments to the
structure of the database. The full instructions for each module
follow and it is essential that you read through the appropriate
sections as you use the program. You will need to keep the
instructions handy as you use MJDBASE so it may be a good idea to
photocopy the pages and keep them with your disk. The program is
relatively easy to use but it is suggested that you set up a few
practice databases and try all of the features before you commit
your lifetimes work of priceless information to disk!
Here are the full instructions for using MJDBASE.
MJDBASE is the main record management module of
the MJDBASE system. This module allows you to :
1. Open Database
6. Close Database |
2. Obtain Record |
7. MJDBASE – Utilities |
3. Add Record |
8. Directory of Databases |
4. Sort Records |
9. Bulk Output |
5. Review Structure
10. Drive Set Up |
This section will take you through each of these
functions and show you what they do and how to use them to best
This command allows you to connect to a given
database and must be used before any operations can be performed
upon a database.
On choosing the command, there will be a prompt
for the Database name. If the user has forgotten what databases are
available on the disk, then by entering 'L' and pressing RETURN, a
list of databases will be given. (This can also be achieved from the
main menu option (8)- Directory of Databases.)
Once a database name is supplied (a database of
this name must have been previously created by using the 'Create
Database' command found in MJDBASE – Utilities module), your MJDBASE
Manager will connect with the chosen database and load information
about the database in question and will show :
1. How many fields.
2. Field Details.
3. How many current records.
4. Maximum No. allowed.
5. The Key Field.
6. Direction of Key.
(If there are no records in the database you are
reminded at this stage that you need to use the option Add Records).
This is known as the 'Structure' of the database
and the MJDBASE Manager must know all these details in order to
manage your data correctly.
Having successfully opened your database, you are
returned to the main menu. You will notice that the name of the
currently connected or opened database will now appear toward the
top of the main menu screen. You are now ready to use the other
commands. If you attempt to use other commands (except 7 & 8) before
opening a database, you will be reminded that you must 'Open the
Database first'.
The Command to obtain a record allows you to
access any or all of the records in your database. Once you have
obtained your record, several other commands will become available
to you. These will be explained a little further on.
On choosing this command, you will be prompted to
indicate a number indicating one of the following search criteria by
which your record or records will be obtained or retrieved:
1. KeySearch |
3. Marked Records |
2. Flip |
4. Any Character |
Key Search: This search criteria gives you
the fastest retrieval time since it references your index which is
held in memory. When you enter this choice, you will be prompted for
a value which MJDBASE Manager will use to locate your chosen record
or records. If, for example, you entered 'HELLO', it will search
those records whose key field contains the characters 'HELLO' as the
starting characters. (If your index length is say, 3 characters,
MJDBASE Manager will choose those records with 'HEL' as being the
first characters in the key field. – Index information will be found
in the chapter describing the MJDBASE – Utilities module)
The smaller the search data you supply, the wider
the potential range of 'matched records'. N.B. Please note that this
key search assumes that your search characters start with the
first character of the key field.
Flip: Should you wish to browse or 'flip'
through the records without actually searching for any particular
one, this command will obtain all the records for you in the
logical sequence dictated by the sorted order of your index (i.e
either in ascending alphabetic or descending alphabetic order)
Marked Records: This search option will
only access those records that have been 'marked' (for details about
'marked' records please read about the 'Mark Record' sub-command
further on.)
Any Character: This is a flexible search
option since it allows you to search your whole database for a
string of characters. Since this option scans the whole database
without the key, this takes a little while depending on the size of
your database. Please be patient!
Having displayed your record on the screen you
will notice that the key field will be indicated by an ' > ' to the
left of the field name.
You will also see an information bar across the
top of the screen. From left to right you will see 'K'; 'Rec No' and
'Search'. Next to 'K' you will see either 'a' or 'd' showing that
the key is in Ascending or Descending order and beside that you will
see for how many characters. The 'Rec No' sign indicates the logical
number of the record in key order. The 'Search' indicator shows the
criteria by which you are currently obtaining records.
As mentioned earlier, once a record has been
obtained and displayed on your screen, you have several sub-commands
available that mainly relate to the currently displayed record:
a) Next record
f) Reshow Record |
b) Back to the last
record |
g) Stop obtaining |
c) Erase record
h) Mark record |
d) Update record |
i) Clear mark |
e) Print obtained record |
Let's look at each of these sub-commands:
Next record: You will see from the
highlighted sub-command bar that to obtain the next record, you
merely press RETURN. This will obtain the next record that conforms
to the currently sorted alphabetic order and/or search criteria.
Back to last record: By entering 'B',
MJDBASE Manager will re-obtain the last record that was displayed.
This is particularly useful if you wish to redisplay a previous
record without having to go through the main menu again.(This option
is currently only available with the 'Flip' search criteria.)
Erase record: This command will remove the
currently obtained record from your database. (See how to revive
these records in the chapter dealing with MJDBASE Utilities). By
using this command, two things happen:-
1. All reference to the record will be removed
from the index that is held in memory.
2. The record on your database will be
'flagged' as having been deleted. (The physical record will
still remain on your database but will not be recognised by
MJDBASE Manager)
As you use your database, you will find that the
database data file will become increasingly populated with 'deleted'
records. (This will be indicated by having a large data file when
you are only dealing with relatively few records). From time to
time, it will be necessary to 'weed' them out totally. The 'Compact
Database' command will do this for you. This is found on the menu to
the MJDBASE Utilities module. For further details see 'Compact
Database' in the chapter dealing with the utilities. WARNING:
The 'compact database' utility physically removes the flagged
records. Make sure that you have 'revived' all the records (this
option is found in the Utilities module) you want before you use
this command. There is no return after this!
Update record: By entering 'U', MJDBASE
Manager will ask you which field of the obtained record you wish to
update. Enter the number which relates to the field you wish to
update. (When a record is displayed on the screen, each field will
have a number beside it on the left. This is the number you enter)
On entering the the number, the appropriate field
will be displayed together with it's current contents. The cursor
will be automatically positioned at the beginning for your
convenience. Make your amendment to the field as you wish then press
RETURN. (Remember not to amend the field to a size larger than is
allowed for it.)
The record will be re-displayed showing you the
latest change. You will be prompted for another field number to
update. When you have finished updating a record, enter 0 to the
prompt. The database file and index will be amended accordingly and
the next record will be automatically obtained for you. (You will
not be allowed to update a field with more characters than the field
was originally meant to hold. – This is defined when you create your
database. See the chapter on Utilities for more information.)
Print Obtained Record: This sub-command
('P') will allow you to obtain a 'hard copy' of the record you have
currently obtained on the screen. Be sure that your printer is
turned on and 'on line' to your computer.
Reshow Record: This command allows you to
redisplay a record which has too many fields to show on the screen
at one time. This saves you from having to advance to the next
record then use the 'B' command to get back.
Stop obtaining: Entering 'S' will stop
further searching on the database and return you to the main menu.
Mark Record: There may well be times when
you want to remember a particular record or records for your own
special reasons, perhaps as reminders of some sort.
MJDBASE will allow you to flag or 'Mark' any
record with this command. As a result, every time a marked record is
obtained you will be reminded by a beep sound. Marked records can
also be searched for under the 'Obtain Record' command called from
the main menu.
Clear Mark: This command will remove the
'mark' from the record.
This command allows you to expand your database
with more records. When you enter the command, you will be prompted
for data for each field within the record. When you are entering a
key field you will be notified of this by a > ' to the left of the
field name.
After all the fields for each record have been
entered, you will be prompted to indicate whether further records
are to be added. If so, then merely press RETURN, if not then press
'E' to end. As you enter the records they will be automatically
sorted in accordance with the existing index.
This command allows you to sort the active (in
memory) index in the opposite alphabetic order that is currently in
force. This means that if you want to change the direction by which
you obtain records then you don't have to re-create the index!
On entering this command, you will be reminded
what the current index direction is and prompted to enter 'A' for
Ascending or 'D' for Descending. On entering 'A' or 'D' your index
will be sorted instantaneously and you will be returned to the main
menu. You will now be able to obtain your records in accordance with
the new key direction.
This option allows you to review the status of the
currently opened database at any given time. As mentioned before,
this is automatically given to you when a database is initially
opened. It is useful, though, to be able to remind oneself what the
current index is and the field lengths.
This is the command to signal to MJDBASE Manager
that you have now finished with the database. It is important to use
this command if you have made a change to the database since you
opened it. If this is neglected, then you will lose the current
index and possibly lose track of all the recently added records.
In order to remind you when it is important to close the database
when you have finished with it, the option on the main menu will be
N.B. If by accident, you do forget to close
the database or there is a power failure before you can close it,
then all is not lost! Please see the section of DATABASE RECOVERY
later on.
This option allows access to the second of the
MJDBASE modules. The utilities. Details about this module will be
found later in the article.
This command allows you to see what databases are
on a disk.
Up to now, your MJDBASE Manager has allowed you to
view and print your records on an individual basis as you have
obtained them. This useful command allows you to output your
selected records in different formats either to screen, printer or
disk on an automatic basis (without having to press RETURN for next
record etc.)
On entering this command, you will be prompted for
the search criteria as usual (See Obtain record). Here you will be
saying to MJDBASE Manager that all the records that you want output
via the Bulk Output routine will conform to this search key data.
Once you have entered this, you will be asked
whether the Bulk Output is to be directed to the screen,printer or
in extract mode. By entering 'S' or 'P' output will be listed to the
screen or printer respectively. The data output will comprise of
your selected fields side by side under the headings. For example:
Fred Bloggs |
10, Downing Street |
Ivy Tilsley |
7, Newhaven Road |
Jack Waddle |
"The Oaks", Country Lane |
The 'Extract' mode is a more flexible mode and is
primarily designed to allow 2 styles of output:
1. Data output will consist of field data only
(no headings) and each selected field will output one after the
other rather than being output side by side or on one line as
just described previously (see above example). This means that
simple labelling output can be achieved.
2. Data can optionally be output in Database
format thus giving you the ability to create new database data
files. If you choose to only output some fields, you can
effectively 'delete' a field when creating your new database
file. If 'Extract' mode is chosen, you will be prompted with
'Enter Device'. Please enter 'S:'(for screen output),'P:'(for
printer output) or 'Dn:xxxxxxxx.xxx'(for disk output).
Using 'extract' for Database creation
If you opt for disk output with the aim of
creating a new database, please do the following:
1. Make sure that the output filename you
supply has an extender of '.DAT' since this signifies a data
file to MJDBASE
2. Answer to the question about database
3. After the data has been output to the disk
file. You must use the 'Create Database' command in the
Utilities module to create the structure which will reflect the
fields which are in your newly created database file. Make sure
you call the database the same name as the database data file
you have just created (excluding the extender).
4. Use the 'Create Index' in the Utilities
module to register your new database file into an index.
Finally, you are able to direct MJDBASE which
fields you want included in the output. Not all of the fields need
be output. The number relating to a field that is to be output
should be entered. This must be repeated for as many fields as are
required. These numbers are found to the left of the field names.
In addition to the actual field numbers, there are 3 extra values
which can be used:
a) 0 This means you have finished your
selection of fields for output.
b) -1 This means you want all the fields in
the record output. (This is easier than entering all the field
numbers one at a time!)
c) 99 This clears all the fields you have
selected in case you change your mind and want to start again.
When you enter 0, MJDBASE will do the work!
This command allows you to use more than one drive
and so eliminate disk swapping. The MJDBASE software will always
expect to find its component modules in Drive 1. Therefore, the
Master disk holding the MJDBASE modules must always be
inserted in Drive 1 when prompted.
Should your computer system crash or be switched
off before you properly close the database, you will lose your
active index to that database.
When this happens, it means that you may not have
an up-to-date index by which you can keep track of your records. You
are able to recreate your index by using the 'Create Index' command
found on your MJDBASE Utilities module. For more details on this,
see the documentation dealing with the Utilities module.
MJDBASE Utilities is a database tool module and is
part of the overall management of your database. This module allows
you to :
1. Create Index |
6. Delete clear database |
2. Compact Database |
7. Drive set up |
3. Create Database |
8. Restructure database |
4. MJDBASE Manager |
9. Revive records |
5. Directory of databases |
This section will take you through each of these
functions and show you what they do and how to use them.
This utility causes MJDBASE Manager to arrange and
sort your records on any field.
MJDBASE Manager will only be able to look,
retrieve and organise records that appear in an index. If, for
example, your current index is based on the key field 'NAME' and the
index is in 'Ascending' order, then all records will be presented to
you so that the field NAME will be in alphabetic order.
An index also allows MJDBASE to locate your chosen
record much faster by simply searching the index rather than the
complete data file.
On entering this command, you will be reminded of
the structure of the database in question and prompted for the field
number which you want as the key field. Once you enter the number,
you must then enter the number of characters of the key field that
you want to be included in the index. The larger the number of
characters, the more precise the search and sorting operations will
be but also you will be able to manage less records. You will be
given a guide as to the maximum number of records you can safely
expect to enter with any given index size. This will be notified to
you on the 'Review Structure' and 'Open Database' commands on
MJDBASE MANAGER module as well as with this command.
Once you have entered the field number you want as
the key field, you will be asked whether you want the index sorted
in Ascending alphabetic (A – Z) order or descending (Z – A). Enter A
or D as appropriate.
The Create Index utility will now create your new
index for you.
This command does not look for an existing index
and therefore can be used to create an index which has been lost or
corrupted by accident.
After a while, you may find that your data file is
extremely large considering it's holding relatively few records!
This is because when you delete records, they are
not physically removed from the data file but merely flagged as
having been deleted. It is done this way for the sake of speed and
convenience when using your database. As a result, you should strip
away the deleted records occasionally until your data file only
holds 'live' records thus giving you more space on your disk.
This utility does just this job. It strips away
and thereby compacts your database file. Not only does it do this
but it automatically re-indexes the new compacted file in accordance
with the existing index.
Once you enter this command, you will be prompted
to enter the name of the database which you want compacted. Once you
have done this, it will display the structure for your information.
Follow the prompts and your database will he compacted.
This is the command to use when you want to set up
a database right from the beginning.
You will be prompted for a name that you want to
know the database by. Enter any name. (Not longer than 8 characters)
Next you will be asked how many fields your records will have.
Please indicate this.
Now you will be prompted for details about each
field a) the name and b) its length. The name of the field must not
exceed 12 characters. You will next be reminded of all the fields
that you have defined (and their lengths) and asked to designate one
of the fields to be the key field by entering the appropriate
number. You must next define the number of characters of the chosen
key field to which the key will apply.
The utility will now create your database. If you
later wish to change the index length of the key field, you can use
the 'Re-Index' utility.)
Your database is now ready to have records added
to it via MJDBASE Manager module.
This command accesses the main record management
module, MJDBASE Manager.
This command allows you to see all the databases
on your disk.
This command is one to use with care! Clearing a
database is not the same as deleting it.
When you clear a database, you merely remove all
the records from it and the database will be almost as if you just
created it except that it will still retain the current index
Deleting a database physically removes all trace
of a database from your disk!
You will be warned just before the deed is done in case you want to
change your mind! Just follow the prompts but be careful!
This command allows you to use more than one drive
and so eliminate disk swapping.
The MJDBASE software will always expect to find
its component modules in Drive 1. Therefore, the Master disk holding
the MJDBASE modules must always be inserted in Drive 1 when
This command allows you to alter the size of
existing fields within your database.
Even if the database has hundreds of records
already in it, this command will allow you to shorten and lengthen
fields to accommodate your new requirements.
On entering this command, you will be prompted for
the database name which you want to restructure. On entering the
name, the Utilities module will load the current description or
structure for your information and then display the fields for
You will be asked to enter the number of the field
you wish to alter and then be prompted for its new size. The fields
will be redisplayed reflecting the new size for your chosen field.
This operation can be repeated until you have decided upon the new
field sizes that you want. When you have finished, you must enter 0
to indicate this.
The MJDBASE Utilities will recreate your database
records with the new sizes incorporated. If the new size is smaller
than the original, your data will be truncated so beware!. If
your new size is longer than the original, then your field will be
padded out with spaces.
This command is probably the most precious one you
will want if you erase records by accident. Those records erased
SINCE the last compaction can be resurrected with this command.
On entering this command, MJDBASE will prompt for
the database name. Once you have entered this, MJDBASE Utilities
will scan your database for erased records and present them on the
screen individually for you option to revive or not.
If you choose not to revive any displayed record,
you will still have the chance to revive it until you COMPACT the
database. Then all 'erased' records really will be beyond reach!
Listing 1 - Loader
Listing 2 - Manager Module
Listing 3 - Utilities