After the enormous success of the original game,
author Eddie Scio and graphic artist Pete Lyon have got together to
produce an extremely comprehensive game creator, enabling you to
create your own customized versions of the classic game.
Inside the fairly large box you will find a short but helpful manual
and the single Airball Construction Kit disk. Included on the disk
are two programs, the game designer, and a customized version of the
original Airball game.
The designer program is GEM based with several pull down menus at
the top of the screen with options to edit objects and various other
details. You can also examine rooms which have already been created.
The whole thing seems rather daunting at first however, once you
have got the hang of the many functions and options, the program is
quite simple to use and you will soon be knocking out versions of
Airball in no time!
The graphics, as in the original game, are very impressive and once
you have filled a room with objects the screens begin to look really
quite professional. The editor is very comprehensive and powerful,
not only using the pull down menus, but also several keyboard
commands to scroll through the hundreds of different objects at your
disposal. All of the details of the original game are available to
you, including the different statues, the skeletons, coffins,
snakes, candles, trees and many others. They're all there, and only
a few keystrokes away.
The manual suggests customizing the game which comes on the disk
before progressing with any ambitious projects of your own. Having
changed this version, you can place the vital objects anywhere you
like in order to make the game as difficult or as easy as you
Overall I think that the Airball Construction Kit is absolutely
superb, and it is great value for money at a price of £19.95. If you
liked the original game, and you are feeling creative, then I would
imagine that you will
thoroughly enjoy using this excellent piece of software. It is
definitely one of the better releases to be made available for the
ST in recent months.