

Issue 31

Jan/Feb 88

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XWORD (ISSUE 28): How about an update to an update? And an apology for a major boob? Last issue we gave you an update to Designer Labels only it had nothing to do with Designer Labels, it was all about XWORD! Whoops. To all those who are mightily confused, it was us not you!

MJDBASE (ISSUE 29): Many thanks to Andrew Strevens for the following suggestions for using MJDBASE with a 130XE. This allows MJDBASE to be used with a Ramdisk giving instant access to the two modules of the program. It
makes use of the RAMDISK MOVER program from Issue 28.


Follow these steps (use a back-up!):


1. Rename MJDBASE2.MGR to MJDB2MGR.D8 and rename MJDBASE2.UTL to MJDB2UTL.D8.


2. In line 200 of INTRO change MJDBASE2.MGR to MJDB2MGR.D8

In line 18860 of MJDB2MGR.D8 change MJDBASE2.UTL to MJDB2UTL.D8
Delete line 18850 of MJDB2MGR.D8 and re-enter as ? CHR$(125)
In line 7310 of MJDB2UTL.D8 change MJDBASE2.MGR to MJDB2MGR.D8
Delete line 7300 of MJDB2UTL.D8 and re-enter as ? CHR$(125)

3. Load the Ramdisk Mover program (RAMOVE.COM) onto the same disk as the three database programs and make sure you have the full DOS 2.5 on the disk. In line 3060 of RAMOVE.COM change MENU to INTRO

4. Use DOS 2.5's SETUP.COM to set up an AUTORUN.SYS to run RAMOVE.COM
On boot-up, the regular 1050 will take 61 seconds to set up the database programs in Ramdisk and to display the main menu. Transfer between the Manager and Utilities sections of MJDBASE is now instantaneous and all that is now required in the disk drive is your Data disk.

* * * STOP PRESS * * *

3-D ANIMATOR (ISSUE 30): We are still working on all the problems with this one! Here is the first fix. For the 800XL, change Listing 2 so that the PROTECT= 1600 in line 60 reads PROTECT= 1738. Apparently there is more free RAM in an 800XL than in a 130XE!
