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CONTACT welcomes feedback. If you have a question about the magazine; a comment, suggestion or contribution for the site; spot a typographical error; experience any difficulties accessing or viewing; or can think of some other reason to get in touch .... then please do!


To get in touch, please send emails to:





The content of is provided as a free resource to Atari enthusiasts around the world. However we do incur ongoing costs to maintain and host the site and if you'd like to make a donation towards these running costs, we'd be delighted! You can use the button below to make a donation:




Please note that the publisher of this website is not connected to the original UK Atari Computer Owners Club.


Whilst care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of articles and programs, no liability can be accepted for errors or omissions. It should be noted that the articles are historical in nature and the information given may no longer be relevant.

Atari and the fuji symbol are registered trademarks of Atari Interactive, Inc. All references should be so noted. copyright 2010