


Issue 15

May/Jun 85

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Some of the euphoria of Atari's new machines is now dying and more realistic targets being set. I doubt if all the things announced at the Las Vegas CES will come into being but most will and Atari will be a strong force once again. The most important thing they must do is to deliver the products on schedule. In the States Atari are taking some hard knocks from competitors who are vociferously saying that STs don't exist or have problems or will not be out on schedule. All these remarks are being made out of fear by competitors with inferior or overpriced machines but the world listens to rumours and Atari must be careful that any action or inaction on their part does not give credence to those seeking to maintain a market share by 'rubbishing' better products. In this country Sir Clive Sinclair has been the most vociferous in his attacks - he probably has the most to loose - and has been quoted as saying that the ST will not appear this year (perhaps he knows of another manufacturer whose 16-bit machine was a year late?) and that the QL is superior. In response I cannot resist printing a quote attributed to Jack Tramiel. "The ST is to the QL what the motor car is to the C5"!

Atari must get these machines onto the market as promised. I hope that by the time you read this, a few STs will be around and by the next issue will be in the high street shops. If not the competitors will say 'I told you so' and the public will listen.

Last issue's cover was a nice idea that lost something in the processing but that's the way it goes! The entire image, except the words USER MAGAZINE which were too fine to digitise, was done on an Artron 2000 graphics computer. A lot more could have been achieved but time was short (and expensive!) and, although the screen image was superb, it didn't quite translate to print. Never mind, just wait till I get my ST with GemDraw. I might be able to prove yet again that an Atari is capable of matching the dedicated systems. Perhaps I should wait for Atari's 32-bit JAX? Perhaps not, $5000 is a bit expensive for a magazine cover!

Issue 14 of PAGE 6 could have been the last but fear not - we live on! The shake out of the computer industry last year meant that several companies went into liquidation or "no longer exist"  among them Channel 8 Software, C. S. Software, Microspot, Home Entertainment Ltd., Stack Computers and Micro Research Ltd. They all owe us money. Then along came this tempting offer from Database Publications who were looking for an Editor for The Atari User. I thanked them kindly for the thought and started work on this issue. Having come this far, why give it up when I know that many of you can't wait for the next issue of PAGE 6. Thank you all for the encouragement.
