About Atari User

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About Atari User









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Atari User launched in UK newsagents during May 1985 and was one of a portfolio of magazines dedicated to popular home computers, under the ownership of Derek Meakin.


Derek's family business Europress Group was formed in 1965, initially publishing magazines and newspapers and later diversifying into exhibitions and software publishing. The magazine publishing subsidiary was known as Database Publications and based in Stockport, Cheshire. Other magazine titles published by Database Publications included Amiga Action, Amiga Computing, Computing with the Amstrad / Amstrad CPC Computing, ST Action, Mega Action, PC Today, PC Home, PC Action, Gamepro UK, Apple User, Telelink and Video Action.


Atari User was published monthly and numbered in volumes of 12 issues, each containing a mix of news, tutorials, reviews, type-in Basic program listings and advertising. It initially covered both Atari 8-bit and ST machines, with the ST content given its own pull-out supplement from volume 1, issue 11 which continued until volume 2, issue 11. After this the ST section was spun off into a separate 'Atari ST User' magazine (which later merged with ST Action and continued publication until September 1994) and the original Atari User became exclusively focused on the Atari 8-bit.


Issue disks and cassette tapes containing Basic programs featured in each issue were made available for purchase by mail order. The programs could also be downloaded from "Microlink", an early dial-up communications facility marketed by Europress and based on BT's Telecoms Gold service. Latterly, the disks and tapes were dropped with programs exclusively available for download via Microlink.


Database Publications discontinued Atari User in November 1988 with the final issue being volume 4, issue 7. The magazine rights and subscriber list were bought by Atari User's direct competitor Page 6 Publishing who subsequently renamed its Page 6 Magazine as "Page 6 Atari User" before settling upon the name of "New Atari User".


Derek Meakin died in October 2010.






This website has been designed and constructed by Paul Rixon, as a sister site of page6.org - the official archive of Page 6 Publishing's New Atari User Magazine.
