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Contact & Legal





We welcome feedback! If you have a question about the magazine; a comment, suggestion or contribution for the site; spot a typographical error; experience any difficulties accessing pages, or can think of some other reason to get in touch .... then please do!


To get in touch, simply send an email to the address below:



Alternatively, you can contact us via on social media:







The content of this website is provided as a free resource to Atari enthusiasts around the world. However we do incur ongoing costs to maintain and host the site and if you'd like to make a donation towards these running costs, we'd be delighted! You can use the button below to make a voluntary donation:




Please note that the publisher of this website is not connected to the original publisher of Atari User, Database Publications Ltd.  However all material has been reproduced with permission of the subsequent owner of publishing rights, Page 6 Publishing.


Whilst care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of articles and programs, no liability can be accepted for errors or omissions. It should be noted that the articles are historical in nature and the information given may no longer be relevant or current.



This website does not collect or process any personal information and does not use cookies.

By its nature, the website presents the historical archive of Atari User magazine which may contain historical personal information (e.g. photos, names of individuals and email/postal addresses). In terms of Data Protection this falls generally into the categorisation of ‘archiving in the public interest'. We will remove any such information if reasonably requested to do so.

The website server uses Apache logs and 'AWStats' to track user interaction. This data can be used to determine the number of people using the site, to better understand how they find and use web pages and to see their journey through the website. Although AWStats records data such as IP address, geographical location, device, internet browser and operating system, none of this information personally identifies you. Any information of this nature is used internally for administration purposes and is not shared with any external organisation (except as may be required by law).

This site links to a 3rd party service - - which provides the browser for viewing magazine contents. The Issuu privacy policy is here.


Atari, and the Atari and Fuji logos, are trademarks of Atari Interactive, Inc.  


copyright 2020.